Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Rodeo Comes to TownTomorrow

Thursday was the last day of the acclimatization period and tomorrow we will practice in full pads and have our first full contact session. Should be very interesting to see the traditional “Buffalo Rodeo” drill that pits one defensive player against one offensive player in a blocking/block destruction scenario. Always makes for a very intense start to practice and will no doubt set the tone for the day.

The second round of the rap battle took place tonight and unfortunately I was unable to attend as I had a final exam to take. I will get a full report and bring you the details at a later date. This week some players who have had summer session classes have had to balance camp with studying for final exams, just another challenge of being a student athlete.

After our meetings tonight a number of players attended a self-run bible study session whilst others took the time to relax their bodies or study their playbooks some more.